Words Out Loud present: ‘The Well of Lost Voices’
We are seeking written submissions for potential inclusion in a scripted, live performance piece to take place at a venue in Chichester.
Date and Venue to be Confirmed.
Minimum Age to participate: 18+
Theme: Human Fragility
We are seeking written creative works related to the theme of Human Fragility.
Types of written, creative work considered:
- Spoken word
- Song Lyrics
- Poetry
- Short dramatic speeches/monologues/duologues
- Diary Entries / memories / letters – as fiction written by characters
- Or any other forms of creative expression that might seem appropriate
Guidance for writing to the theme
Please be mindful of your own mental and emotional well-being before committing to writing for, or participating in, this project. It is our intention that this work be a positive, healthy and therapeutic experience for writers. If you are unsure whether or not to write for this project, please seek the advice of a trusted healthcare professional, family member or friends.
We are aiming to create a piece of drama/performance by linking together original, creative writing from our local and wider community, related to the themes of Human Fragility.
You are encouraged to reflect upon your own experience of:
human fragility, vulnerability, mental & emotional distress, depression, stress, anxiety, experiences of psychosis/changes in perceptions of reality, being misunderstood, loneliness & isolation, experience of mental health care services (as a patient, staff member, family & friends etc), mystical and spiritually transformative experiences/visions/voices/unexplained phenomena, emotional / mental breakdown, mental health conditions, treatment (traditional + alternative) medication, recovery, re-emergence, learning to live again, starting over, breaking through etc.
Guidance for length of submissions:
Min: 3 mins
Max: 8 mins
Please indicate if you are willing to learn, read, rehearse + perform your own work OR if you prefer to have a performer do this.
Send your written submission as a MS Word Doc/Mac Pages Doc/Google Doc via email to:
Please include the following information at the top of your doc, followed by your written/creative work.
Your name
Location (town/city or area where you are based/reside)
Performer? Please state: Yes or No.
Deadline: Sat Sept 17th 2022