Words Out Loud Reading in Priory Park a Sunny Success

On Sunday 26th September, Words Out Loud held a reading in the sunshine at Priory Park. Enjoying one of the last sunny days were nearly 20 visitors who came to read and listen to a wide range of readings.

This was the latest in a series of events held by this newly formed Charity, based in Chichester, with the express intent of promoting and fostering the benefits of the Spoken Word. Some people came to listen while others read from their own work, from the work of other poets and writers or recited from Hamlet!

Those who attended were all in agreement that the event had been an overwhelming success and urged the organisers to do this again. In fact another such event is likely to take place in the park when the weather improves in the Spring.

Words Out Loud is grateful for the help and support from Chichester District Council in enabling the event to take place.

If you are interested in the Spoken Word and enjoy live readings in a buoyant and supportive environment then Words Out Loud has what you are looking for.

In addition to the regular Open-Mic reading at Wagtail Coffee and Yoga on the first Wednesday each month at 6:30pm is a regular featured reader and Open-Mic on zoom featuring international and local writers on the third Wednesday each month.

There will also be a themed reading, which is a fundraiser for the charity, at The Anchor Bleu in Bosham on Tuesday October 12th on the theme of “The Sea” starting at 7:00pm.

All Words Out Loud events are open to everyone and we invite all our participants to come and enjoy a friendly and supportive community atmosphere.

Information is available on the website at wordsoutloud.org.uk and the most recent feature invites people to submit blog posts; and in particular this week to celebrate national poetry day.

Send entries to enquiries@wordsoutloud.org.uk